Facts About ADA Compliance Tiles
There are several different things you should know about the tactile detection requirements mandated by the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA).
- Since 2001, all transitional areas require tactilely detectable tiles to help promote safety for all persons.
- Truncated domes meet all of the ADA tile requirements, as they are easily seen and can be felt through the soles of most shoes or noticed by a person with visual disabilities using a white cane for guidance.
- You can have them installed when you pour the sidewalk, or they can be applied to the surface with little extra effort.
- The ADA requires detectable tiles at all intersections where a sidewalk enters or leaves a motorway.
- Detectable tiles are also required at the edges of boarding platforms for trains and/or subways.
- Anyone found violating this act can be fined and may have to pay all court costs associated with the lawsuit. So, adding these to your sidewalk and walkways can save you thousands of dollars.
- The tiles must be non-slip and must have raised areas of specific sizes to make them detectable for everyone, regardless of their visual abilities.
- They must be contrasting colors to help sighted individuals notice the transition, such as light tiles on dark surfaces and dark tiles on light surfaces.
To find out more about the benefits and ease of adding tactile warning surfaces to your next construction or renovation, please contact ADA Tile at 800-372-0519.